Monday, October 12, 2015

Protective style - Calabarizing

This morning I undid my cornrows, oiled and detangled my hair as much as I could, washed, conditioned, air dried and detangled again. Contrary to popular opinion, I am finding that I suffer much less breakage when I detangle my hair dry as opposed to wet and saturated with conditioner (but that's a discussion for another day). Anywho, I air dried and was a bit confused as to what to do with my hair. So far, I have stretched for 4 months. My last relaxer was in September, so as you can imagine, I had several inches of new growth. I considered flat ironing and wearing my hair straight and out but the thought of the amount of work that would go into that and the fact that I am currently in Canada, in the dead of winter deterred me. I thought of just putting my wig back on but that would require putting my hair in tiny cornrows because that's the only way to get my hair to lay flat under my wig and that again was a little too much effort than I was willing to make. Finally, I opted for some old school 'calabarizing' reminiscent of my boarding school days. I basically put my hair in about 10 braids and held them up in a top knot.  Here's is what it looked like:

Back view

Front view

It took me all of 10mins to do this and I quite like it. Seriously, protective styling is heaven sent isn't it? I just love styling my hair and leaving it alone to just do its thing and grow happily without all the daily combing, curling, brushing, ironing etc. But look at those roots though, I have about 2 inches of them. I kind of like it when I have lots of new growth, I always scrutinize my roots, trying to figure out what my hair would look like if I went natural (again, thats a discussion for another day). Anyways, I think I have stretched long enough..Next stop, getting my relaxer... wish me luck!


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