Showing posts with label Hair and Body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair and Body. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

Strawberries for A Sweet Tooth

So I've been having a serious sweet tooth lately. Chocolate cake. Oreos. Ferrero Rocher. Etc. Um ... yeah. Me being me, I had to nip this indulgence in the butt fast.

Fortunately, there are healthier alternatives that can tame this tooth. Smoothies, especially those with peanut butter. Sometimes a bowl of cereal will do the trick for me. Yogurt. This weekend I discovered another option - strawberries. The sweet (and not so much the sour) kind. Yes, strawberries. Here's the scoop on the nutrition facts:

*One cup of strawberries contains almost 150% Vitamin C and 30% Manganese.
*Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is beneficial for the skin, hair, and immune system. It is said to improve scalp circulation.
*Manganese is said to prevent slow hair growth.

So if you have a sweet tooth, maybe strawberries will work for you. If not, there are plenty of other fruits from which to choose. After all, mangos and bananas are much better for your hair and body than Skittles and ice cream.

**According to one article, strawberries are a fine choice for those with type II diabetes. However, as always, please CONSULT YOU DOCTOR before making any changes to your diet.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Year, Healthy Hair and Body!

Happy New Year, readers!! May 2010 be a year of increased health for your hair, mind, spirit, and body.

In 2007, I started transitioning from chemically relaxed tresses to natural, and in 2008, I big chopped. 2009 was a year of really learning my hair and perfecting my regimen. For 2010, I have some healthy hair resolutions, a couple of which are:

*start the year with a fresh trim
*finger detangle more regularly
*maintain healthy ends
*continue simple, low manipulation routine

When I eat poorly, it definitely reflects in my hair growth. It also reflects in my mood. The body is a temple and I must treat it so. For 2010, my healthy body resolutions are:

*consume more fruits, green vegetables, and carrots (all raw)
*cook more, eat out less
*purchase more organic items
*attend the local gym regularly (yoga, step, salsa classes)

I envision that this year, the blog will touch on a few topics concerning the mind and spirit. After all, both can affect the hair and body. For 2010, my healthy mind and spirit resolutions are:

*serve others through a volunteer organization
*practice more positive thinking
*fill life with the Word (daily)
*moments of meditation and solitude (daily)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ginkgo Biloba and Blood Circulation

Ginkgo biloba extract. It is an antioxidant that mitigates poor blood circulation. It is typically used to improve memory, but has also been shown to slow the progression of vitiligo as well as stimulate hair growth. Additionally, antioxidants have been linked to reducing oxidative stress, which has been associated with cancer, other diseases, and aging. Ginkgo biloba extract can be found in supplement form at your local grocery store. The extract may be more beneficial to those seeking hair regrowth -- for example in the temples or the nape where hair loss was suffered -- than for those seeking to increase their growth rate.

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